Apply for tax relief
Your application must reach us within three months after you started working in Sweden. It will do if either you or your employer makes the application.
Who may apply?
Both you and your employer may apply for tax relief. It is all good if you apply, although you have not received a Swedish personal identity number or a Swedish coordination number yet.
Read more about how to qualify at: Conditions for tax relief.
If you apply through a representative, we keep in touch with them and our decision is communicated to them.
An outside tax consultant is not seen as a representative unless they have a power of attorney. So, we may keep in touch with them but send our decision only to you and your employer.
When should I apply?
Your application must be received by the Taxation of Research Workers Board no later than three months after you started working in Sweden. If the application arrives too late, we will have to reject it.
Unfortunately there is no way to extend the application time, so even if your application is one single day late it will be rejected regardless of the reasons for delay.
How do I apply?
You must apply in writing for tax relief. The application must relate to a specific employer and a specific employee.
Please note, that there are two different application forms - one for applications based on remuneration rate and one for applications based on tasks and expertise. The forms will give you guidance on what information is necessary and which supporting documents to submit.
The Board is pleased to receive applications by e-mail to You may attach other documents you wish to submit as well. Please note that the connection is not encrypted.
The Board does not need to see the applicants’ original signatures, so an e-application is just fine.
Lastly, for you who have changed employer
If you have changed employer and are about to file a new application for tax relief, we invite you to click here.