Guide to form FSN 1226

Here we shed some light on which information to submit so that we can processs your application in the best possible way.

But before you start filling in the form, take a peek into our control issues regarding the remuneration rate.


swedish identity number

  • If you have a Swedish personal identity number or a Swedish coordination number, fill it in.
  • It is all good if you do not possess one yet. We will be happy if you state your date of birth instead.

day of arrival in sweden

  • If you are already here when you apply, fill in your date of entry.
  • If you are outside Sweden when you apply, fill in the date on which you expect to arrive here.

Estimated duration of stay in Sweden

  • One of the conditions for tax relief is that you do not intend to stay in Sweden for more than seven years.
  • Fill in how long you plan to stay here.

Has been a permanent or habitual resident (normally for six months) in Sweden at some time during the five years preceding the year in which the work commenced?

  • “Habitual resident” refers to someone who stays in Sweden for at least six months in a row.
  • If you have made short interruptions in a six-months stay here for visits abroad, your status as a ”habitual resident” in Sweden is not affected.
  • Nor is it affected if your stay here have covered a year-end.
  • Another case in point where you may be deemed as a “habitual resident” is if you have made regular visits to Sweden over a longer period, although each individual visit was shorter than six months.
  • If you have stayed in Sweden at some time over the relevant five-year period and feel unsure about the impact of your visit or visits, please attach a brief résumé of your visits (dates, duration, and frequency).

Date of commencement of work in Sweden

  • Fill in the date stated in your employment contract.
  • If you started working in Sweden on a different date, fill it in and submit an addendum to the contract or a brief explanation.

The employee's address

  • We need the information to be able to mail the decision to the employee.
  • If the employee has a representative, fill in the representative's postal address.


contact person

  • We may have to contact someone at the employer's office if we have any questions regarding the application.
  • It is helpful if someone among the employer’s personnel, who is familiar with the recruitment or tasks at issue, acts as contact person

The employer's address

  • Fill in the employer's postal address (not the street/visitor address)
  • We need the information to be able to mail the decision to the employer.
  • If the employer has a representative, fill in the representative's postad address.

Salary and other remuneration for work

Contractually stipulated gross remuneration for work

  • If you and your employer have agreed on a gross remuneration, fill in your gross monthly salary, benefits and other monthly gross remunerations.
  • If you and your employer have agreed on a net remuneration, you must transform the relevant monthly net amounts to gross ones. Calculate the gross amounts as if you already enjoyed tax relief.
  • Then fill in the calculated gross amounts and the agreed net remuneration.
  • If your remuneration consists of different components or if you have agreed on a net remuneration and tax compensation please specify the components and the gross up calculation if applicable. The information can be presented in an attachment.

The amounts must be made evident in the employment contract or similar document

  • The amounts you specify must be supported by your employment contract or similar document.
  • The employment contract and other documents you refer to must be submitted to us.
  • If you plan to provide your input later on always check the box ”Attachments will be sent later”.
  • Speficy a date when you expect to submit the supplementing documents.


Is someone commissioned with a power of attorney

  • If you have commissioned someone to represent you check the applicable box. The representative is the one who will receive your copy of the decision.
  • Attach the power of attorney.
  • If the representative has a power of attorney for both the employee and the employer you can check both boxes.
  • State the name of the representative.
  • If you don't have any representative check the box "No representative".
  • We need the information on postal address to be able to mail the decision to the representative.

Application made by

application made by

  • Fill in if the application is made by you, your employer or you both.
  • No need to sign.
  • If only one of you applies, that is just fine.
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